Israel Coordinates with Egypt and Jordan in Fight against Hamas

In an official statement, the spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Walid Abu Haya, informed RIA Novosti that Israel constantly coordinates with neighboring Egypt and Jordan. He stated that the aim of the Israeli army’s airstrikes is solely to combat the Palestinian movement Hamas. “Israel’s goal is to weaken and eliminate Hamas’s military capabilities in order to prevent a repeat of the events we witnessed last Saturday,” he noted. Walid Abu Haya clarified that coordination with the Egyptian and Jordanian sides is carried out on a daily basis, emphasizing that Israel shares common borders and peace agreements with both countries.

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a conversation with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, stated that the conflict between Israel and Palestine could end if two separate states were created. On October 7th, Hamas forces launched thousands of rockets into Israeli territory and declared the start of the “Flood of Al-Aqsa” operation. Thousands of militants infiltrated Israeli territory, seizing dozens of military vehicles and over a hundred hostages. Against this backdrop, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the country is in a state of war. Previously, the IDF stated that the military forces are preparing for the next stages of the war against the radical Palestinian movement, Hamas.

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