Hamas Attack Reveals Detailed Plans and Hostage Situation in Israel

In a shocking turn of events, Hamas militants invaded southern regions of Israel on October 7th, armed with detailed maps of the country’s towns and military bases. This revelation comes from documents discovered at the attack sites, as reported by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

One particular document, dated June 15, 2023, and marked as “top secret,” outlined a plan to infiltrate the nearby Kibbutz Mefalsim, located near the Gaza sector. The document indicated that the objective was to capture innocent civilians as hostages, supposedly to ensure negotiations would take place. The findings also included maps and aerial photographs of the town, with annotations indicating a population of approximately 1,000 people.

“This level of planning far surpasses any previous Hamas actions. They were well aware of their targets,” stated Michael Milstein, a former intelligence officer of the Israeli Defense Forces.

According to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant, thousands of Hamas radicals breached Israeli territory on October 7th. The country’s air force launched strikes against the elite Hamas unit known as “Noqba,” which was involved in the large-scale attack. Reports from the Gaza sector continue to confirm the death of high-ranking leaders of Islamist groups. The fate of the hostages, Israeli citizens who may number up to 150, remains unknown.

Previously, “Gazeta.Ru” responded to key questions regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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