Retired Merchant Marine Arrested for Stalking Woman for Four Years Using Plane

A retired merchant marine, Michael Arnold, was arrested for the third time in a single week for allegedly stalking a woman, Cassie Wilusz, for over four years in Upstate New York. The 65-year-old denied knowing the victim and referred to her as “crazy” as he was escorted into Saratoga Town Court. However, Wilusz, who owns Revolution Cafe in Schuylerville, provided videos that allegedly show Arnold circling her home in his plane and following her in his car.

Arnold was arraigned on nine counts of criminal contempt, stemming from his arrest on Friday for using a fake Facebook account to harass and threaten Wilusz and her daughter, in violation of an order of protection. Shortly after leaving court, Arnold was arrested again on a fresh stalking charge. Wilusz expressed relief that he was in custody and hoped that he would finally face the consequences of his actions. However, he was released on bail shortly after.

The arrest on October 3 occurred at an airport in Vermont, where Arnold was repeatedly circling Wilusz’s home in his single-engine Cessna, despite being banned from flying due to the order of protection. The FBI, now involved in the investigation, tipped off the local police. Wilusz, whose husband recently passed away, stated that Arnold had been terrorizing her and her family since she rejected his advances in 2019. She filed multiple police reports and sought help from the local prosecutor’s office, but claimed that her complaint was not taken seriously.

Concerns about Arnold’s mental stability have escalated in the community, especially after he allegedly dropped tomatoes from his plane onto Wilusz’s and her neighbors’ properties. The mayor of Schuylerville, Dan Carpenter, expressed worries about the potential escalation of Arnold’s actions, questioning whether he would go as far as flying a plane into Wilusz’s house. The most recent order of protection now includes a ban on flying, making it easier to arrest and charge him.

Prosecutors revealed that Arnold’s stalking campaign also included posting sick messages online using a fake Facebook account. After Wilusz’s husband passed away, Arnold reportedly suggested that her karma caused his death and even implied that her 14-year-old daughter would be the next victim. Arnold’s lawyer declined to comment on the matter.

In conclusion, the arrest of Michael Arnold, a retired merchant marine, for stalking Cassie Wilusz using his plane for over four years has raised concerns about the safety and well-being of the victim and the community. Wilusz, who has endured a nightmare of harassment, expressed relief that Arnold is in custody and hopes that he will be held accountable for his actions. The involvement of the FBI in the investigation highlights the seriousness of the case. The community, along with local authorities, is concerned about Arnold’s mental stability and the potential for his actions to escalate further.

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