11 Students Arrested After Large Fight Breaks Out at Florida High School

In a shocking incident, 11 high school students were arrested following a massive fight that erupted in the hallways of Matanzas High School in Palm Coast, Florida. The altercation took place at approximately 1 p.m., and it required the intervention of two school resource officers to control the situation.

According to reports, a 14-year-old female student allegedly pushed School Resource Deputy King in an attempt to attack another student. The student was subsequently arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, disruption of a school function, and felony resisting a law enforcement officer with violence.

While this was happening, a 17-year-old male student joined the fight and charged at school staff, swinging his arms. He allegedly punched a staff member in the shoulder before being apprehended and handcuffed by deputies. Initially charged with disorderly conduct and felony battery on a school official, he was also taken into custody.

In addition to the three students arrested at the scene, eight others were later apprehended following the filing of affidavits with the state attorney’s office. These students are facing misdemeanor charges, including breach of peace and disturbance of a school function.

Throughout the brawl, school resource deputies can be heard urging onlookers to return to their classrooms. Flagler Sheriff Rick Staly expressed his disappointment, stating, “The lack of respect demonstrated by these students is simply shameful. But actions have consequences.” He urged parents to teach their children the importance of respecting teachers, staff, and deputies, and emphasized the zero-tolerance policy for violence at schools.

Flagler Schools Superintendent LaShakia Moore also condemned the behavior, stating that such actions would not be tolerated. She highlighted the positive school culture promoted by the majority of students, teachers, administrators, and staff, and called on parents and guardians to reinforce good choices and the importance of success in life.

This incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by schools in maintaining a safe and respectful environment for learning. It also underscores the need for continued efforts to address and prevent violence among students.

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