Michigan Governor Whitmer Faces Criticism for Response to Hamas Attacks on Israel

As tensions escalate in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the United States military is taking action to support its ally. Naval ships and military aircraft are being moved closer to Israel, signaling America’s commitment to the region. Amidst this, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has come under fire for her response to the terrorist attacks on Israel.

Aryeh Lightstone, a former Trump-era adviser to the U.S. ambassador to Israel, has called for Whitmer’s resignation, claiming that she “embarrassed herself” with her remarks. Whitmer had expressed her condolences for the communities impacted by the conflict but failed to mention Israel specifically. Lightstone, who hosted Whitmer and her entourage in Israel for Thanksgiving in 2019, criticized her for not acknowledging the atrocities committed by Hamas.

In an interview, Lightstone emphasized the importance of leaders speaking out against wrongdoings. He stated that Whitmer, as a politician, should have condemned the violence and expressed support for Israel. He argued that her failure to do so demonstrated a lack of leadership and called for her immediate resignation.

Whitmer faced backlash for her initial response, prompting her to make a follow-up post on social media, in which she explicitly mentioned Israel and condemned the violence. However, Lightstone dismissed this as a mere attempt to save face, suggesting that she was only embarrassed by the criticism she received.

During his conversation with Fox News, Lightstone also highlighted his work in strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship during his time with former Ambassador David Friedman. He praised the Abraham Accords, negotiated by the Trump administration, which established diplomatic relations between Israel and four Arab countries.

Lightstone further emphasized the gravity of the situation in Israel, stating that it is currently going through one of its worst days in history. He stressed the need for support for Israel through means other than American troops on the ground.

Addressing reports of division within Israel, Lightstone refuted such claims, asserting that the country is fully united in its efforts to combat terrorism. He also made it clear that there is no parallel between the side of democracy represented by Israel and the side of terrorism represented by Hamas.

Governor Whitmer’s office has not responded to requests for comment on the matter.

As the conflict continues to unfold, it is crucial to closely monitor the response of U.S. politicians and their stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The actions and statements of political leaders have the potential to impact international relations and the dynamics of the conflict.

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