House Republicans in Tight Race for Next Speaker as Israel Crisis Unfolds

In the midst of the ongoing crisis between Israel and Hamas, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is leading the race for the next House speaker among Republicans. The competition remains tight, with Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., as his main competitor. With only a third of House GOP lawmakers having made public endorsements so far, the race is far from decided.

The upcoming speakership candidate forum and intraparty election will play a crucial role in determining the next House speaker. As of now, Jordan has secured the support of at least 47 Republicans, while Scalise has garnered the backing of 23. However, the majority of Republicans have remained silent on their endorsements.

Despite his lead, Jordan faces challenges in securing support from moderates due to his association with the hardline-right House Freedom Caucus and his reputation as a “bomb-thrower.” Nevertheless, his support extends beyond the right flank, with endorsements from members such as Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., and Rep. Kelly Armstrong, R-N.D. Some members, however, are hesitant to publicly oppose Jordan’s candidacy out of fear of reprisal from the Freedom Caucus-linked House Freedom Fund PAC in the 2024 primaries.

Scalise, backed by Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., and establishment Republicans, is also vying for the speakership. As former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s longtime No. 2, Scalise aims to win over Republican lawmakers who are tired of the status quo. Despite McCarthy’s recent ousting, Scalise’s team feels confident about their position in the race.

Apart from the political dynamics, fundraising prowess is another factor playing into the race. Scalise ranks second in fundraising for the 2022 cycle, having garnered over $18 million for his re-election campaign. He also contributed more than $14 million to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). However, Jordan is not far behind, with his campaign ranking fourth in fundraising, bringing in just over $14 million. He also donated nearly $2 million to the NRCC and Republican allies.

As Republicans prepare for the speakership candidate forum and election, this race takes place against the backdrop of the ongoing Israel crisis. The outcome will not only determine the leadership of the House but also shape the Republican Party’s response to critical global events. Stay tuned for updates on this race and the latest from the 2024 campaign trail.

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