Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy May Make a Comeback as House Speaker Amidst Divisions in the Republican Party

In a surprising twist of events, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) may be considering a run for the Speakership once again, as some of his allies make an effort to draft him for the position. This development comes as it becomes increasingly difficult for House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) or Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to secure the necessary votes to become Speaker, given the divisions within the House Republican Conference.

Both Scalise and Jordan come with their own baggage, which further divides the Republican Party. It remains uncertain how long it will take for any candidate to earn the required votes on the floor to win. Some Republicans even suggest that the Speaker’s race may take a considerable amount of time, urging their colleagues to “pack their lunch.”

While McCarthy has made it clear that he will not resign, some of his loyalists believe that he may still have a chance at the Speakership. They point to his recent remarks about the House being paralyzed and unable to respond effectively to the crisis in the Middle East. This has led to speculation that McCarthy may remain in the House, raising funds for GOP candidates and hoping to recapture the Speakership if Republicans retain control of the House in 2025.

This strategy could also work in McCarthy’s favor if Republicans end up in the minority. He could potentially return as the Minority Leader, as winning the leadership role within the conference is relatively easier compared to securing the Speakership on the floor. McCarthy would then have the opportunity to campaign for the members he supports and work against those who helped oust him.

However, the choice between Scalise and Jordan has left rank and file Republicans torn. Some believe that Scalise has undermined McCarthy during his time in office, while others are not fully convinced by Jordan either. Supporting Jordan is seen by some as endorsing ultra-conservatism and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)’s efforts to unseat McCarthy.

With the Republican Party divided, the Speaker election is expected to be a lengthy process. If the party fails to reach a consensus on a candidate, there is a possibility that McCarthy could make a surprising comeback as the Speaker, reclaiming the position he was ousted from just last week.

The upcoming schedule for House Republicans includes a closed-door meeting on Monday night to discuss their differences, followed by a candidate forum on Tuesday where the pros and cons of each candidate will be presented. On Wednesday, the conference will hold a secret vote to decide the nominee for Speaker. It is important to note that the nomination only goes to the candidate who secures a majority within the conference, which could be as low as 113 votes. The final vote for Speaker will take place in the full House, where a successful candidate will need an outright majority of all House members participating, which amounts to 217 votes if all 433 members take part.

As the race for House Speaker unfolds, it is clear that the Republican Party faces significant challenges in finding a unifying candidate. The outcome of this election will have far-reaching implications for the party’s future and its ability to navigate crucial issues, such as the handling of terror attacks in Israel.

In conclusion, the potential return of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy amidst divisions within the Republican Party adds an intriguing twist to the Speaker election. As Republicans grapple with choosing between Scalise and Jordan, the party faces a challenging path towards unity. The outcome of this race will undoubtedly shape the future of the Republican Party and its effectiveness in addressing critical global issues.

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