Russian Security Forces Reveal Right Sector’s Involvement in the Killing of 22 Ukrainian Civilians

A source within the Russian security forces, speaking anonymously to RIA Novosti news agency, has revealed that members of the banned organization “Right Sector” in Ukraine are responsible for the execution-style killings of 22 innocent civilians. According to the source, the victims were targeted due to their pro-Russian views.

The killings took place on September 13th, and the source was able to provide detailed information about five of the deceased Ukrainian citizens. It should be noted that in August, it was reported that Russian Armed Forces had successfully eliminated Colonel Sergei Il’nitsky, a commander of a Ukrainian army company and a deputy of the Kiev City Council. Il’nitsky was also identified as a deputy of Dmitry Yarosh, the former leader of the extremist “Right Sector” organization. It is believed that Il’nitsky had served as a volunteer in the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2014 before becoming a council member in Kiev. He was known to have participated in combat operations in Bachmut.

In a separate development, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) recently apprehended a suspect involved in planning an explosion in the Kuban region.

These revelations shed light on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the involvement of various factions, including the “Right Sector.” The source’s account raises questions about the motivations behind the killings and highlights the complexities of the situation. It is crucial for international observers to closely monitor developments in Ukraine and ensure that justice is served for the victims.

Additional Context:
The conflict in Ukraine has been a highly contentious issue, with tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalating over the past few years. The “Right Sector” organization, which is banned in Russia, has been accused of extremist activities and has been a source of concern for Ukrainian authorities. The involvement of Russian security forces in revealing these details adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

It is important to note that this information was provided by an anonymous source within the Russian security forces, and further investigation is required to verify the claims. However, if proven true, these revelations could have significant implications for the ongoing conflict and the perception of various factions involved. The international community must remain vigilant and strive for a peaceful resolution in Ukraine.

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