Crisis in the Middle East Raises Questions About Intelligence Briefings for House Speaker Pro Tempore

Republican Representative Michael Waltz from Florida appeared on ‘Cavuto Live’ to discuss the recent offer by Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid to form a joint emergency government with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The absence of a House speaker during the ongoing crisis in the Middle East has raised concerns about whether Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. Patrick McHenry, a Republican from North Carolina, should receive an intelligence briefing on the situation.

According to a source, there is a possibility that the Biden administration could argue that there is no speaker for the House of Representatives, thereby disqualifying McHenry from receiving an intelligence briefing. However, the administration also views McHenry as credible and responsible, despite not holding the position of speaker, which may lead them to consider briefing him. Currently, there has been no request for an intelligence briefing on the Middle East for the Congressional “Gang of 8,” a group that includes the House speaker, the House minority leader, the Senate majority leader, the Senate minority leader, and the chairs and top minority members of the House and Senate Intelligence committees.

It is important to note that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, is currently on a foreign trip to China. As a result, there is a suggestion that a “Gang of 7” could convene without the top figure in the House, given the uncertainty surrounding the speakership. Lawmakers and congressional sources have also expressed concerns about potential problems for the United States if a response to the Middle East situation or another foreign policy crisis becomes necessary.

Since the House is currently led by McHenry in the absence of a speaker, it would be unable to advance any legislative measures related to the crisis, if required. The vacancy in the role of House speaker arose earlier this week when California GOP Representative Kevin McCarthy was ousted by Democrats and a small group of Republicans.

Last week, foreign policy experts warned that the chaos resulting from McCarthy’s removal could be exploited by U.S. adversaries on various fronts. Alan Mendoza, co-founder and executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, a leading think tank in Britain, stated that the reputation of the United States for governmental effectiveness was being undermined by the chaos in the House of Representatives and the Republican caucus. Mendoza added that allies might be concerned about the chronic instability in the House leadership system, while enemies could be emboldened to take advantage of internal conflicts in the country.

During the vote to vacate the speaker’s chair, eight Republicans joined every Democrat present, resulting in a vote of 216 to 210 in favor of McCarthy’s ouster. This sudden removal left Republicans scrambling to find a replacement. Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio and Steve Scalise of Louisiana have launched bids for the position, and a vote is scheduled for Wednesday. A candidate forum was held earlier this week by House Republicans, with the election scheduled to take place the following day.

In conclusion, the ongoing crisis in the Middle East has raised questions about whether Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. Patrick McHenry should receive an intelligence briefing. The absence of a House speaker has also highlighted potential problems for the United States in responding to foreign policy crises. The chaotic situation in the House of Representatives and the Republican caucus has drawn concerns from foreign policy experts about the country’s reputation and the potential advantage it may give to U.S. adversaries. The election for the new House speaker is set to take place on Wednesday, following bids by Representatives Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise.

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