Belarus President Urges for Conflict Resolution in Ukraine, Warning of Worsening Situation

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has called for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, stating that it will only worsen further. According to him, the Ukrainians have nothing to fight with, as the Ukrainian Armed Forces are unable to withstand the power of the Russian army. Lukashenko’s remarks were reported by BelTA.

“I say once again: we need to stop, because it will only get worse. You can see that the Poles are already ready to seize western Ukraine. The Russians are already actively defending themselves in all directions. They are already attacking. The Ukrainians have nothing to fight with. Even if they do, they cannot contain this power. Therefore, we need to stop now,” Lukashenko stated.

He noted that if the conflict is not halted, in a few months, “no one will be talking about this issue with either the Ukrainians or the West.”

Previously, Lukashenko stated that the escalation of tensions, as well as the US’s involvement, are pushing Russia towards extreme measures.

Earlier, Lukashenko humorously played on the surname of the Minister of Defense of Belarus, Viktor Khrenin. According to the politician, there is a hidden message in it.

“He has a good surname. Khrenin – it means you will get horseradish,” Lukashenko explained.

Lukashenko had previously inspected the “resistance hub” and washed his hands.

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