Russia and Abkhazia Sign Agreement for New Naval Base

In a recent interview with the newspaper “Izvestia,” the President of Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhania, announced that a new permanent naval base for the Russian Navy will be established on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia. The agreement between Russia and Abkhazia has already been signed.

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Victory Day in the Georgian-Abkhaz War of 1992-1993 and Abkhazia’s Independence Day, a small missile ship entered the waters of Abkhazia, and President Bzhania boarded the vessel. Representatives from Abkhazia and Russia then signed an agreement, paving the way for the establishment of a permanent naval base for the Russian Navy in the Ochamchira District.

President Bzhania also highlighted Russia’s ongoing support for Abkhazia, including providing opportunities for Abkhazian specialists to undergo training and skill development in Russian educational institutions. The military-technical cooperation between Russia and Abkhazia aims to enhance the defense capabilities of both countries, according to Bzhania.

Furthermore, President Bzhania expressed Abkhazia’s interest in integration within the post-Soviet space and considered participation in the Union State with Russia and Belarus aligned with the foreign policy goals of the republic.

Prior to this development, President Putin had held negotiations with the President of Abkhazia.

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