US Funds for Ukraine Running Low; Uncertain Future for Military Aid

The United States has a limited amount of funding available to provide assistance to Ukraine, despite a previous law signed by former President Joe Biden that does not include provisions for financing Kiev. However, these funds will only last for a short period of time. This information has been reported by The Wall Street Journal, citing officials from the Pentagon.

According to the publication, the Pentagon’s treasury holds over $5 billion for providing weapons and other resources to Ukraine. Officials believe that $5.2 billion will be sufficient for only a couple of months.

Officials note that assistance packages for Kiev usually arrive every two weeks. However, without knowing when Congress will approve additional funds, the Pentagon may choose not to continue providing regular shipments of new equipment in order to save money for replenishing its own stocks or in the event of a national security crisis.

It was previously reported that the administration of President Joe Biden would announce a new aid package for Ukraine this week. Earlier, the Pentagon disclosed the amount of weapons supplied to Ukraine since the start of the special operation.

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