House Republicans Raise Concerns Over Hunter Biden’s Financial Dealings with CCP-Linked Business Partner

In a recent development, House Republicans have uncovered new evidence suggesting possible influence peddling by the Biden family. The House Ways and Means Committee released a series of messages showing a former Biden aide, Fran Person, offering financial assistance to Hunter Biden through his business partner, Bo Zhang, who has ties to top CCP leaders. These messages, dating back to 2017, indicate that Zhang was willing to wire tens of thousands of dollars to help Hunter pay off bills amid his divorce.

House Republicans, led by Chairman Jason Smith, argue that this exchange further supports their claims of corrupt foreign business dealings by the Biden family, particularly in relation to Communist China. They emphasize the need for transparency and accountability, asserting that the American people have a right to know if their President is compromised.

The House Oversight Committee, headed by Rep. James Comer, is conducting its own investigation into the Biden family’s alleged corrupt deals and affiliations with CCP-linked individuals and companies. Comer and his colleagues believe that such dealings pose a threat to America’s national security. They vow to follow the facts wherever they lead during their impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The messages between Person and Hunter Biden reveal discussions about financial assistance and potential trips to China. Person, who had a close relationship with the elder Biden during his time in office, had gone into business with Zhang shortly after leaving the White House. Emails from 2015 highlight Zhang’s powerful connections in China, including his family’s real estate empire and his father-in-law’s position as the governor of the Hainan province.

Concerns about Zhang’s ties to the CCP were also raised in a 2013 Foreign Agents Registration Act filing, which listed him as a “foreign principal” and revealed his relationship with a Chinese government official. These revelations further fuel suspicions of potential influence on policy decisions.

House Republicans argue that the evidence they have uncovered points to a pattern of influence peddling and financial support provided to Hunter Biden by individuals with CCP connections. They question whether President Biden is compromised by his family’s dealings and emphasize the importance of ensuring that public offices are not for sale.

While the Biden family and their supporters have denied any wrongdoing, House Republicans continue to scrutinize the evidence and raise concerns about the integrity of the President and his administration. As investigations unfold, the American people await further clarity on these allegations and their potential implications for the nation’s security.

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