US Administration Expects Ukraine to Adopt NATO Standards, Despite Membership Uncertainty

The administration of US President Joe Biden is banking on the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) adopting NATO standards, even though the organization is not yet ready to grant membership to Kiev, according to a government document cited by Politico. The material states that Ukraine plans to establish a professional corps of junior officers and non-commissioned officers that align with the doctrine and principles of the North Atlantic Alliance. Politico notes that even the format and content of Ukrainian documents should reflect the terminology used by the organization.

The document also outlines the US’s desire for Ukraine to develop its own defense industry capable of meeting its core needs. According to the publication, the US strategy aims to ensure that Ukraine maintains its orientation towards the West and continues to foster its special ties with Washington. One of the suggested methods is the integration of the English language, which would assist in the integration of Ukrainians. The document also mentions that the United States offers assistance to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine in improving English language instruction.

At the end of June, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced a bill in the Verkhovna Rada, proposing the status of English as a language of international communication in Ukraine. According to the text, heads of local state administrations and their deputies, officers serving on contract, prosecutors, employees of tax and customs authorities, mid-level and senior police officers, as well as leaders of other law enforcement agencies and civil defense services, must be proficient in the English language.

Earlier, the US and Ukraine initiated discussions on security guarantees for Kiev.

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