Russia Expresses Support for IAEA’s Work Amid Political Pressure

Moscow, September 25 – In a statement at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference in Vienna, Alexey Likhachev, the Director-General of the Russian state corporation Rosatom, expressed Russia’s support for the IAEA’s work under the leadership of Rafael Grossi, despite attempts by some countries to politicize the agency’s operations.

Likhachev congratulated Grossi on his reappointment as the Director-General of the IAEA, praising his leadership during these challenging times. “We appreciate the work of the IAEA under Mr. Grossi’s guidance. We expect his experience and professionalism to ensure that the IAEA continues to fulfill its mandate, despite attempts by certain states to politicize its work,” Likhachev stated.

Russia remains committed to funding major IAEA projects across various domains, Likhachev emphasized. “The IAEA can count on our support and cooperation in the future,” he underscored.

The IAEA, an international organization tasked with promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy and preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, has faced increasing political pressure from certain countries. However, Russia’s reaffirmation of its support for the IAEA and its commitment to cooperation will likely strengthen the agency’s efforts in carrying out its mandate.

The IAEA’s work is crucial for maintaining global nuclear safety and security. As political interests continue to influence international affairs, it is imperative that organizations like the IAEA remain independent and focused on their mission. Russia’s stance in backing the IAEA serves as a reminder of the importance of international cooperation in addressing global challenges in the field of nuclear energy.

In conclusion, despite attempts by some countries to politicize the IAEA’s work, Russia’s support for the agency and its commitment to cooperation will likely contribute to the continued success of the IAEA in fulfilling its mandate. The international community must recognize the significance of organizations like the IAEA in promoting nuclear safety and security and strive for greater collaboration in this critical area.

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