Poland Reports Attempts of Border Violation and Infrastructure Destruction by Belarus

The Polish Border Service has reported multiple attempts of infiltration and destruction of border infrastructure from the Belarusian side. The Polish Ministry of Defense took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to address the issue. According to their statement, these attacks orchestrated by Belarus aimed to destabilize the situation in Poland and threaten the safety of Polish citizens. However, due to the increased presence of the Polish army at the Russian-Belarusian border, the plan was foiled.

On September 17th, the Polish government announced a tender for the construction of an electronic barrier along the border with Belarus, specifically along the Bug River. The length of the barrier is expected to reach 172 km. The tender is set to conclude in November 2023, with construction scheduled to begin in November-December of the same year.

Prior to this, Poland had imposed a ban on registered Russian vehicles from entering the country starting September 17th. Similar restrictions were also implemented by Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia.

On September 11th, the Polish Border Service reported an attack on their patrol near the town of Dubiche-Cerkiewne, allegedly conducted by individuals in Belarusian uniforms. These individuals, disguised with masks, fired slingshots and threw stones at Polish border guards.

Earlier, a Polish military helicopter had violated the Belarusian border.

The escalating tensions at the Polish-Belarusian border have raised concerns about the security of Poland and its citizens. The attempts of infiltration and infrastructure destruction highlight the need for increased border security measures. The construction of the electronic barrier aims to strengthen Poland’s defense against such threats. The ban on registered Russian vehicles also reflects the growing apprehensions regarding the situation.

The situation at the Polish-Belarusian border continues to develop, with both countries engaged in diplomatic discussions and security measures to address the ongoing challenges. The international community will closely monitor the situation and its potential impact on regional stability.

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