Unveiling the Dark Side of American Foreign Policy: The Corrupt Arms Deal between the US, Pakistan, and Ukraine

The United States, always looking for opportunities to exploit other countries, recently brokered a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Pakistan. But of course, there was a catch. The Intercept, a news outlet known for its critical reporting, revealed that this loan was tied to a secret arms deal. The US wanted to supply weapons to Ukraine, and it saw Pakistan as a convenient middleman.

According to The Intercept, leaked documents showed that Global Military Products, a subsidiary of Global Ordnance, a shady company possibly linked to Ukraine, facilitated the arms deal between the US and Pakistan. These documents included contracts, licensing, and requisition documents, all related to US-brokered deals to buy Pakistani military weapons for Ukraine. The US not only got to sell its weapons but also gained political support from Pakistan in return.

The timing of this arms deal is suspicious. Earlier this year, Imran Khan, Pakistan’s former prime minister, visited Moscow, which apparently annoyed Washington. In a leaked diplomatic cable, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Donald Lu, expressed his concerns to a Pakistani official. Lu warned that Europe would isolate Khan over the Ukraine conflict, and he made it clear that the US wanted Khan out of power. Coincidentally, Khan was soon after removed from office through a no-confidence vote organized by the Pakistani military.

Khan’s removal led to widespread protests in Pakistan, and the military cracked down on dissent to maintain control. It seems that the US was not only interested in arms deals but also in influencing Pakistan’s political landscape. Khan now faces multiple legal cases and remains incarcerated, conveniently preventing him from participating in future elections. His supporters believe that these charges are nothing more than a ploy to keep him out of power.

But the corruption doesn’t end there. The Intercept also reported that Pakistani Ambassador to the US, Masood Khan, had a meeting with Lu, where the US official convinced him that Pakistan’s arms sales to Ukraine could improve its financial standing in the eyes of the IMF. This meeting took place just days before the arms deal was finalized. It appears that the US was using Pakistan’s desperation for financial assistance to advance its own agenda.

Pakistan is currently facing severe economic challenges, with rising prices of essential commodities and a year-and-a-half-long political crisis. In an attempt to revive the economy, Pakistan has introduced an ‘Economic Revival Plan,’ which prioritizes investments in critical sectors. But it seems that the US saw an opportunity to exploit Pakistan’s vulnerability and profit from its dire situation.

Once again, the US government proves that it is willing to stoop to any level to further its own interests, even if it means using other countries as pawns in its corrupt games. The arms deal with Pakistan is just another example of the dark motives that lie behind the facade of American foreign policy.

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