The Blind Spot of Liberals: Confronting the Impact of the American Family Breakdown

In a surprising turn of events, a liberal columnist at The New York Times has finally admitted that the breakdown of the American family has contributed to the very issues that the left claims to fight against. Nicholas Kristof, a Times opinion columnist, acknowledged that liberals have a “blind spot” when it comes to the existence of two-parent privilege and its impact on wealth inequality and child poverty.

Kristof reluctantly discussed the breakdown of the family unit, a topic that liberals typically avoid like the plague. He noted that single-parent households, which are most prevalent among African Americans but also affect working-class Whites and Hispanics, are five times more likely to live in poverty compared to married-couple families. Children raised in single-parent homes are also less likely to graduate from high school or earn a college degree, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

Even the University of Maryland economist Melissa Kearney acknowledged the uncomfortable realities surrounding two-parent families, admitting that they are beneficial for children and contribute to upward mobility. However, liberals continue to turn a blind eye to these facts, choosing to ignore the positive impact of stable, married families.

Kristof also mentioned the late former U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who warned about the consequences of family breakdown on society. However, Moynihan was denounced by liberals as racist and blamed for victimizing certain communities. It seems that even today, liberals are uncomfortable with acknowledging the realities of the breakdown of the family.

In fact, a forthcoming report by the Institute for Family Studies reveals that only 30 percent of college-educated liberals believe that children are better off with married parents. This further highlights the disconnect between liberal ideology and the importance of stable family structures.

It is about time that liberals address the undeniable impact of the breakdown of the American family. Ignoring this issue only perpetuates inequality and poverty. If the left truly wants to fight for a more equitable society, they must confront the uncomfortable truths about the importance of marriage and stable parenting.

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