Obstacles and Disappointment: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Producers Struggle to Screen Film for Troops at U.S. Military Installation

In a recent interview on “CBS Mornings,” director Alejandro Monteverde defended his film “Sound of Freedom” against accusations of promoting conspiracy theories and political agendas. Monteverde claimed that his only intention was to shed light on the issue of trafficked children. However, the producer of the film, Eduardo Verástegui, expressed disappointment after planned screenings of the movie at a U.S. military installation were mysteriously canceled. Verástegui, along with others involved in the film, had been trying for weeks to reschedule the screenings for troops at U.S. Southern Command, but they were met with confusing circumstances and abrupt cancellations.

Verástegui stated that the purpose of “Sound of Freedom” was to raise awareness about rampant sex trafficking of children in Latin America and the United States, with the goal of ending this modern-day slave trade. He wanted to honor and inspire the brave soldiers at SOUTHCOM who work to combat transnational criminal organizations involved in drug and sex trafficking. However, their attempts to offer a private screening on the base were met with obstacles.

The screenings were initially scheduled for August 28 and October 19 but were canceled shortly before the first event. Base leadership claimed that the screenings were canceled to prevent copyright infringement, a reason that the filmmakers disputed. Email exchanges between the filmmakers and a spokesperson for U.S. Southern Command revealed an attempt to clarify any misunderstandings, with the filmmakers assuring there were no copyright concerns and expressing their support for the military. They even offered to send a representative of the film to meet with the troops, but their offer was declined for an entirely different reason.

SOUTHCOM spokespersons informed the filmmakers that since the film was already accessible in local theaters, there was no need to screen it at their headquarters. This decision left the filmmakers confused, as no objections had been raised before. The cancellation caught the attention of Senator Marco Rubio, who wrote a letter urging SOUTHCOM leadership to reschedule the screenings without delay. Rubio emphasized that the film’s theme aligns with SOUTHCOM’s mission and that similar private screenings had been held in the past.

Verástegui expressed his bewilderment at SOUTHCOM’s rejection and reiterated his desire to provide the troops with the opportunity to see the film. He even offered to personally deliver a copy of the film alongside Tim Ballard, the real-life hero depicted in the movie. Despite their efforts, the filmmakers have yet to receive a response from SOUTHCOM.

It is disheartening to see the obstacles faced by the producers of “Sound of Freedom” in their attempt to shed light on the issue of child sex trafficking. Their genuine intentions to raise awareness and honor the troops seem to have been overlooked and dismissed. One can only hope that this matter will be resolved soon so that the troops can experience the impact of the film and continue their fight against child exploitation.

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