From Glitchy Engines to Guardian Angels: Boulder Police Officers Save the Day

In a surprising turn of events, Coach Deion Sanders, a former NFL star, has managed to achieve success with the University of Colorado football team. While many are heaping praise upon him, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge two local law enforcement officers from the Boulder Police Department. Police officers are known for their willingness to run towards danger, whether it be the sound of gunfire or, apparently, the sound of silence. In a recent incident, these officers displayed their willingness to act when a glitchy hybrid engine left a family stranded on a busy highway. It’s truly remarkable how they were able to put their own safety at risk to assist this family.

During a trip to Boulder, my wife, Devin, and I experienced a similar situation. We rented a minivan, only to discover that its hybrid engine had a mind of its own. Without warning, the engine shut down while we were cruising down the expressway. It was a terrifying experience, especially considering that this was a brand-new vehicle. Thanks to the limited power we had, we were able to steer to the side of the road, but we were far from safe. Thankfully, two Boulder police officers responded to our distress call and immediately took action. They placed their vehicle and their own bodies between us and oncoming traffic, ensuring our safety until roadside assistance arrived.

As the situation unfolded, I approached the officers to express my gratitude. Despite their professionalism and humility, they initially hesitated to give me their contact information, insisting that they were simply doing their job. However, they eventually relented when I explained that I wanted to thank them properly once I returned home. Officers Williams and Starks of the Boulder Police Department, thank you for your service and dedication. Although you may view it as just doing your duty, it takes an extraordinary amount of courage to face danger on a daily basis. You are truly exceptional individuals.

I sincerely hope that our paths cross again in Boulder, perhaps on a college football game day. However, next time I rent a vehicle, I think I’ll opt for an old pickup truck instead.

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