Billionaire Soros Funds Liberal TikTok Creators with White House Connections: A Closer Look at the Influence of George Soros

The New York Post reported on Saturday that billionaire George Soros, known for his left-wing views, provided at least $300,000 to a group of TikTok creators last year. These creators, who identify as liberals, used the funding to promote various liberal narratives. It is noteworthy that they often received direct instructions from the White House. Soros’ Open Society Foundations donated a staggering $5.5 million to the nonprofit Accelerate Action Inc. in 2020 and 2021, which then allocated at least $300,000 in 2022 to a group called Gen Z for Change. This group claims to consist of over 500 social media activists and creators. Their content on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter focuses on advocating for issues such as abortion rights, gun control, liberal immigration policies, and climate justice. These topics align with Soros’ long-standing interests.

However, it is important to note that Gen Z for Change has also been hired by President Joe Biden to promote his agenda and criticize Republican politicians. They were given the opportunity to interview Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House coronavirus tsar, in 2021. Additionally, they were invited to the White House for a briefing on the conflict in Ukraine, where they were asked to create “explanatory” content regarding US policy and goals in the region. This close relationship between the Biden administration and Gen Z for Change has received significant media attention and even became a target of satire on Saturday Night Live.

Apart from funding social media campaigns, Soros has also contributed a staggering $128 million to Democratic candidates and organizations during the 2022 midterm season, making him the largest donor of that election cycle. Soros has recently stepped down from his position at the Open Society Foundations, passing the reins to his son, Alex Soros.

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